How to tell if your Digital Marketing Campaign is Successful

Skillwise Solutions
3 min readNov 23, 2020

-Riya Sen

It is very critical that you calculate success rates when you start a digital marketing campaign. When the targets are accomplished, a campaign is deemed to be a success. Typically, this means getting more traffic, selling items, and similar things. You have to make adjustments when a campaign is not successful.

Obviously, in order to see if the digital marketing strategy is successful, there are several different things you can do. In the following paragraphs, some that are really effective are presented.

Site Traffic Source Recognition

So many business owners review keyword rankings, but for every single web page, there are several traffic sources. You absolutely need to classify all the outlets, media and sources. This helps you to use them to your benefit and boost the effectiveness of your future marketing campaigns dramatically.

Analyse the importance of the traffic obtained from you

Let’s assume that a plumbing company such as Fix It Right Plumbing is run by you. The best traffic you get in this situation is the one that turns into customers or other business opportunities. A big issue is getting huge volumes of traffic without converting it. Often measure the ROI, so that only certain digital marketing strategies that maximise your profit can be based on.

Track the proper metrics

As the world’s largest search engine, Google stands out. You have to place an emphasis on the traffic you get from it. Website traffic is also a strong indicator of a site’s intensity, but it often indicates where the site is poor.

As an example, your digital marketing strategy is not productive when your site’s aim is to get leads and you do not get them. You should analyse the traffic when you want to maximise revenue in order to see if your sales funnel is optimum. When it comes to optimising a digital marketing strategy, the metrics you use to analyse your traffic will help you make multiple smart choices.

Do you use platforms that are right?

This is a very significant question that you need to ask because marketing campaigns blindly target the channels that are the most common in the industry in so many instances. This can be a negative thing because, based on your target audiences, you need to create campaigns, not general guidelines.

Think about who you want to meet and what the audience will give you to draw them. Typically, when you use the relevant channels, this is so much easier to do. For example, running social media marketing campaigns on Facebook is pointless if most of the target audience you have spends time on Twitter.

Track the correct objectives

Only when you have a good benchmark to measure outcomes can you track the performance of your website. If the tracked indicators are inaccurate, you can get all the analytics data possible and still not get the results you want. When you develop your marketing strategy, identify campaign targets and be sure they are the best ones to use.

